Work with us

Medipex recognises that the needs of our customers are varied and as such offers a flexible approach to accessing the full range of our services.
Outlined below are the main types of consultancy support contract that we offer to NHS, industry and academia clients, but we can be flexible to suit your requirements. Please get in touch for more information on our pricing or to obtain a quotation.
NHS memberships
Exclusively for NHS organisations, Medipex offers a cost-effective membership package that includes access to our full range of services for any member of NHS staff from that organisation. Support will be provided to individual innovators as well as staff tasked with supporting multiple projects e.g. Research and Innovation teams. Our team will work closely with the nominated innovation lead(s) from the NHS member organisation to ensure co-ordinated support is provided across the innovation project portfolio.
See our current list of NHS members
Call-off contracts
Aimed at teams that support multiple projects that arise ad-hoc, (e.g. University technology transfer teams, innovation support organisations), our ‘call-off’ option facilitates access to our wide range of expertise in a timely manner, by agreeing a certain volume of support (days per year), and contractual terms, upfront. The support can be used as and when required across the term, as agreed on a case-by-case basis with the customer’s key contact. Upfront payment of fees enables us to offer a discounted day rate, making this a cost-effective option for teams likely to require support for multiple projects.
Short-term fixed contracts
Used where the support required is limited by time and/or budget, our short-term fixed fee contracts enable us to agree a suitable scope of work with the customer together with a fixed price and timeframe for delivery. This provides re-assurance to the customer that our services will meet their needs and may be funded through a variety of means e.g. defined packages of work can be costed into grant applications or paid for from existing funds. Payment schedules will be agreed on a case by case basis to suit the customer’s requirements.
Ongoing support contracts
Our ongoing support contracts offer a cost-effective alternative to employment of staff either where support is not required full-time, or where access to the variety of skills and expertise across our team, rather than one individual, is beneficial (e.g. a start-up/spin-out company that is building their various business operations or a large programme grant, involving multiple stakeholders and projects at various stages, that requires regular, long-term support). The option to engage us on a fixed-fee or actual-usage basis offers an effective budget and resource management approach that can be tailored to suit your needs.
SME grant funding support
Medipex has formed a strategic partnership with SME Funding Solutions Ltd. enabling us to support SMEs with grant applications in a cost-effective manner; some of our fees will be recouped from the grant, if successful, thus minimising the upfront outlay by the SME and sharing the risk.
For more information or to request a quotation, please click to get in touch