Training and networking

Training and networking

To complement the services that we provide, the Medipex team also offer a variety of training and networking opportunities to the healthcare and healthtech innovation community with the aim of upskilling innovators to improve the success of their innovation activities and to foster an innovative culture within organisations.

SME Masterclass Series

By Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber, the NIHR HealthTech Research Centre (HRC) in Long Term Conditions, Devices for Dignity and Medipex.

First in series: Introduction to Intellectual Property

Date: Wednesday 18th December

Time: 12:30 - 1pm GMT

Find out more here.

Book your place here.


Clinical Innovation Advisory Network

CIAN logoTo support innovators with the assessment and development of new ideas that aim to benefit patients, Medipex relies strongly on quality feedback from professionals in the healthcare sector. To obtain the best possible advice in a timely manner, Medipex is looking to build a network of skilled professionals who are willing to support innovation by providing feedback (surveys and/or interviews) on innovations in their area of expertise on an ad-hoc basis.

Participation in each survey/interview will be voluntary and you will not be obligated in any way to respond to any requests.  Where project-specific funding is available, we will be able to offer a financial incentive for feedback, and we will advise you of any such available reward during first contact requesting your input on an idea. We do not anticipate needing to contact you more than 3 times in any given year, and it is most likely to be less frequent than this due to the highly varied nature of innovation ideas that we receive. The provided contact details will be used exclusively by Medipex and will not be shared with the clients or other parties unless you expressly give permission for us to do so.

If you are interested in being added to our Professional Feedback Database, please fill in a short registration form.

Innovation Champion Network

Innovation Champion NetworkExclusively for our NHS colleagues in the Yorkshire and Humber region, we offer free training and networking opportunities in conjunction with the Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber. Bringing together innovators from across different NHS organisations, we provide hands-on workshops on various topics along the innovation journey including how to identify unmet needs, how to protect intellectual property, how to apply for funding and how to tackle barriers to adoption of innovation in the NHS. Any training opportunities that are currently open to attend can be found in our Latest section.

Transforming Ideas

Transforming Ideas logoAccessible to all sectors, members of our team are available to deliver either in-person or live online delivery of training and networking opportunities. We provide hands-on workshops on various topics along the innovation journey and can develop bespoke courses that suit your needs and audience. Get in touch to enquire about prices and how to book a training course with Medipex.