Our opportunities detail a range of innovations, each looking for different types of support to take them to the next stage. To find an opportunity relevant to you, please browse our opportunities below or select an option from either of the filter buttons.

Interactive Radiotherapy Planning for Students (IRPS) Software
An interactive, on-line training system for radiotherapy staff, students and trainee doctors in the uses of radiotherapy.

Safe tracheal introducer
A new tracheal introducer which would allow improved first-time tracheal intubation

Stop Before You Block
A medical device, offering a fail-safe mechanism to prevent a nerve block needle from injecting the local anaesthetic into the wrong side of the body.

Minimally invasive incision and drainage device
A novel catheter-based system that can be applied to an abscess under local anaesthetic.

Non-invasive test for adrenal insufficiency
A non-invasive alternative to the Short Synacthen Test

A portable research instrument to demonstrate correct placement of nasogastric tubes